Tuesday, April 16, 2013

AVP Evolution review.

Hello and welcome to The adventures of gaming! For my first review I will be reviewing AVP Evolution (Alien VS Predator Evolution).

(I do not recommend this game if you do not like blood)

I give this game "½"

The game was created by Fox Digital Entertainment, Inc. 

You can purchase this app
 on android for $4.99
on amazon for $2.99
on apple for $4.99

This games graphics are amazing and very surprising for a mobile game. You get more than what you pay for, the game play and quest line is amazing! There is just one twist to the game, you don't stay Alien or Predator the entire time, you switch back and forth to complete missions for both sides. One of my favorite additions to this game is that as you fight through out the levels there are check points you reach to save your progress.

This is the screen that the game first loads, as you can see it has a level select, player profile, options and continue button. If you push the continue button you will continue on from you last check point you reached or the next level you move on too.

When you go to "Level Select" You will see a screen like this. The quest for Alien and Predator are different colors, red are Predator missions and green are the Alien missions. When you click the levels, at the top of the screen there will be a description of the missions you are doing.

A very nice feature about this game is the Game Stats. The Game Stats keep track of the amount of kills, side missions, gear and etc. It's very nice to be able to see your achievements.

 The controls on the game are hard at first, but after a bit you get use to them. One the left side the is a paddle to walk, on the right side you have your "A" and "B" button, when running if you push "B" you do a running attack, if you push "A" you will do basic attacks on your enemy, if you are being attacked by an enemy and hold "B" you will block their attack, then a little over from the attack buttons you have that triangle button, that is a cannon for a Predator you push that it aims and shoots your cannon at the enemy, on Aliens controls there will be a button at the top right that if you push it, it summons baby face suckers to help attack enemies, both of these attacks must charge over time (The Predator can shoot more than once before it has to charge, the Alien can summon more then one face sucker if you upgrade the attack, but it still has to charge once it has been used). For the combo list push the "Pause" button then click the button that says "Combo list" then you will be able to view the combos.

This is a close up view of the Alien and Predator. This is in the store, as you can see there are different buttons such as body parts for Aliens and gear for the Predators. Most of the gear you will unlock by leveling up. You have to pay for parts and gear with points, points for Aliens are called "Xeno Points" and points for Predators are called "Honor Points". You gain these points by completing missions. Now for seeing the gear i'll let you look at the awesome gear they have created for this game and let it be a surprise!

Some advantages of this game are, that it can go mobile and play any where because it doesn't require a wifi connection. The graphics are for sure a advantage because the graphics are amazing for a mobile game, most mobile games don't have this nice of graphics. This could be your opinion, but I think that being able to play both species of the game.

There aren't many disadvantages  in this game. Other then the controls are hard to adjust too. Other then that I don't think that there are any other disadvantages in AVP Evolution.

Game basic check list:
Good story line
Easy controls
Downloadable on different systems 

-The Brave gamer